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The Importance of Resilient Managers & Leaders


Employee engagement is better predicted by the leader's ability to manage stress than by the employee's current stress level. 

In fact, effective, resilient managers and leaders are one of the best predictors of high employee retention and engagement rates. And high engagement rates are directly related to increased productivity and profitability by up to 21%.

Which means, successful organizations begin with effective, resilient leaders.

Improve Your Leadership Skills.

Graph of employee engagement rates.

First off: What IS a Resilient Leader? 

Resilience itself is a person's ability to withstand, handle and bounce back from difficult situations - such as failure, conflict, adversity, or trauma. Characteristics of resilient leaders include:

  • Awareness of self and others
  • Empathy & Compassion 
  • Self control / emotion regulation
  • Problem-solving skills, especially under stress
  • Strong interpersonal skills 
  • High tolerance for uncertainty & stress

This helps leaders stay positive during stressful or difficult situations, view challenges or ‘mistakes’ as opportunities, express feelings in an appropriate and productive way, have a professional yet approachable relationship with their team, give feedback in a constructive and kind manner - and so much more. 

When a leader is resilient, it positively affects every person they work with each day. Thankfully, resilience is a skill that is acquired and learned rather than inborn.


Resilience itself is a person's ability to withstand, handle and bounce back from difficult situations - such as failure, conflict, adversity, or trauma.


The Importance of High Employee Engagement

Employee engagement is a function of the relationship between an organization and its employees. It's about creating and maintaining a workplace culture and environment where employees feel more connected and dedicated to your company's goals and values.

In turn, highly engaged employees are more enthusiastic about their work, which means their productivity increases, they have higher job satisfaction, and they stick around longer. 

Studies show that when employees feel engaged, businesses experience a drop in absenteeism by 41%.

In addition, an organization with highly engaged employees can see an increase in productivity and profitability up to 21%.

An organization with highly engaged employees can see an increase in productivity and profitability up to 21%.


Resilient Leaders Increase Employee Engagement

You may be wondering, where do the resilient leaders come into play? 

And how do they affect an employee’s engagement level?

It’s simple. 

When a leader possesses the skills previously listed above, they are better able to handle, engage with and lead their team. And there’s nothing like feeling heard, seen and appreciated to boost employee engagement. 

According to a 2009 Gallup poll about recognition and engagement:

  • When a manager focuses on someone’s strengths, the likelihood of that person becoming disengaged drops to a mere 1%.
  • When a manager focuses on someone’s weaknesses, the likelihood of disengagement rises to 22%.
  • When a manager ignores someone, the likelihood of disengagement rises to 40%.

When leaders develop interpersonal skills, emotional regulation, compassion, attention and awareness - it will positively affect how the employee(s) perceive their manager or leader. When employees feel seen, safe, heard and valued, their engagement increases. 


Resilient Leaders Increase Employee Retention

Did you know that losing an employee costs, on average, 33% of the worker's annual salary?

Graph of the cost of losing employees

That means that losing an employee whose annual salary is $45,000 can cost the company upwards of $15,000.

Voluntary turnover cost the U.S. $630 Billion in 2019 alone, according to the 2020 Work Institute's Retention Report. That same report shows that 78% of all employee turnover could have been prevented by the employer if they’d been aware of the issues and had taken a proactive approach. 

A connected, aware, compassionate leader who is able to develop an open thread of communication, trust and respect between themselves and their team members will be able to recognize when employees are not at their best and address the situation immediately, before it results in employee churn.



78% of all employee turnover could have been prevented by the employer if they’d been aware of the issues and had taken a proactive approach. 


MindWell: Resilient Leadership as an Organizational Learning Approach

MindWell is the leader in training resilience, well-being and mindfulness at work since 2016. As part of our wholistic solution, MindWell for Leaders has been developed by leaders to help leaders build resilience and develop the integral skills they need to lead their employees, their team and their organization to the highest levels of success. (Learn more).

MindWell’s unique organizational learning approach combines leadership training with complementary training for the whole organization. This allows for leaders and employees alike to develop a common language and understanding around communication, emotional regulation and the core competency of resilience. This develops not just resilient leaders, but a workplace culture of resilience, engagement and well-being all around. 

As mentioned, 78% of employee turnover is preventable. Of that 78%, manager behaviour, career development, well-being and work environment account for 53% of preventable turnover - all of which can be addressed with the MindWell Solution.

Contact us now to learn more about how we can help improve your organization's employee engagement, retention, productivity and well-being today.  


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MindWell for Leaders live cohort begins February 2025

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